- 50 AD
- A Mogensen convoy, heading for a colony on the border of Vaipen space, disappears
without trace, the Vaipen deny involvement so recriminations fall on the Elarien.
War is only averted after closed discussions between the leaders of the Elarien and
Mogensen at which an Ovaskan official produced classified documentation of unknown content
- 850 AD
- A small number of Korhonen scouts enter the Sol system. Some limited
rebuilding of the base on Mars is attempted but abandoned after
4 years
- Some Korhonen craft enter Earth orbit but do not contact Humans, a few
supply ships are sent down to collect water and materials
- 920 AD
- 12 Elarien battle-cruisers encounter an unknown craft while on patrol along the
Elarien/ Vaipen border. 3 Are destroyed while holding off the ship as the others escape
Reports of the craft, widely circulated by the Elarien along with camera footage,
result in huge cutbacks in hyperspace travel by all the major races
- 1080
- After 100 years without incident all but the Vaipen and Ovaska begin to
increase hyperspace use
- 1889
- The Korhonen return to Mars to rebuild the colony there in force. Less than a year later the
base is rebuilt in the walls of the Noctis Labyrinthus (nr Syria Planum)
- 1933
- Korhonen craft enter Earth's atmosphere and begin transferring water and materials to the
base on Mars.
- 1947 to 1952
- At least 16 Korhonen craft are recovered by Earth security services after they
crashed because of abberations in the Earth's geomagnetic field. All evidence of these
craft were suppressed. 65 bodies, and at least 1 live pilot were recovered.
- Project Sign is created by the US security services, later to become project Grudge,
and mandated to debunk reports of sighted craft while investigating all aspects of
the problem.
- In 1952 the captured Korhonen, then known as EBE, became ill and the US transmitted
a call for help into space in the hope of contacting someone who could help. The transmission
was received by mars soon afterwards and it's contents enraged the Korhonen, who had believed
all the occupants of crashed craft to have died.
- The Korhonen launch a number of battleships from the martian surface and place them in far Earth orbit
- 1953
- Mogensen ships break through the Korhonen blockade and land on Earth. They
contact several world leaders with a warning about the Korhonen. They offer to help
but refuse to exchange technology.
- Eisenhower and Rockefeller create MJ-12, a committee designed to oversee any contact with alien
life and to coordinate research and defense plans
- A number of astronomers locate the Korhonen battle-cruisers in Earth Orbit. Project Sigma
is created by the US government pending the creation of MJ-12. This project intercepted
and decodes communications between the craft. Project Plato is created to initiate contact with the
- 1954
- The Korhonen ambassador, Krlll, lands at Edwards AFB and a treaty
is signed between the Americans and what they knew as 'Reticulans'
- Several bases are set up by security services over the Earth to participate
in and Exchange... humans for technology. The Governments were under the impression
that these subjects would be studied in the hope the Korhonen could aid in curing
diseases, they were in fact the object of experiments designed to locate human weaknesses
as a prelude to invasion
- 1964
- The security services, realising they had been tricked, institute a number
of projects aimed at developing new technology, derived from the crashed Korhonen
craft and from knowledge gained from the Korhonen during the period of cooperation,
to be used to defend Earth.
- 1969
- First man on the Moon, just. The Korhonen attempt to block the landing but allow it after
the US security services, through NASA, apologises to the Korhonen and explain that the landing
must be allowed to prevent their discovery. The Korhonen land nearby and prevent the
astronauts from moving far from the lander.
- All subsequent moon landings are escorted by a Korhonen battleship
- 1976
- The Viking 1 orbiter begins sending back photographs of the martian surface
NASA immediately clamps down security as several photographs show Korhonen
buildings. Subsequent releases are highly doctored to remove any suspicious
- Korhonen warn NASA to stay away from the moon
- 1994
- Earth probe approaching Mars is destroyed by a ground defense system
- 1997
- Pathfinder lands on an area of Mars approved by the Korhonen. The signals
returned from the probe are encrypted to prevent other agencies seeing
anything compromising
- Mars Global Surveyor enters Mars orbit. Returned pictures are doctored
to remove evidence of habitation
- 2000
- Several far-right factions emerge in the continental US and begin
terrorist attacks on government buildings and corporations funded
by a middle east group known an the Sons of the Desert
- June 3, 10:30am GMT:
The governments of France, Russia, Egypt and the United States
receive an encoded ultimatum to deliver 45 Billion dollars in
gold to a location in the Sahara Desert within 12 hours or "their
cities will fall in flames to the Desert". The demands are ignored
- June 3, 10:32pm GMT:
8 Cobalt/ Uranium bombs are detonated simultaneously, two in
the San Andreas fault, causing much of California to experience earthquakes
off the Richter scale and destroying most population centers West of the Rockies, one in Chicago (Illinois, US), one in Miami (Florida, US) one in
St Petersburg (Russia) one in Moscow (Russia), one in Paris (France)
and one in Cairo (Egypt). Hundreds of millions die from the explosions and
subsequent fallout. The Sons of the Desert claim responsibility and
are hunted down and executed.
See Also: Big Bang to 4 BC,
2000 AD to Present Day,